Everyone is looking for ways to save money these days, and insurance premiums are one way of cutting back. While it's important to be protected financially against accidents, bodily injury, theft, and health problems that arise, there are ways to reduce the costs of each policy. Here are a few tips for various kinds of policies:
For automobile coverage, there are multiple ways to save on protection for your vehicles.
- Multi-car discount: If your family has several vehicles, carrying the coverage through one insurance company will net you a nice discount.
- Good driving records: Keep your driving record sparkling clean and you will save cash on your annual or monthly payments.
- Work close to home: One risk factor that may spike your costs is commuting long distances to and from your job. While you may not be able to control where your office is located, you may be able to work out an arrangement with your boss to telecommute a few days per week. This will save on high mileage odometer readings which are taken into consideration when determining rates and you'll save gasoline and valuable time, as well.
- Have your kids keep their grades up. A family will be able to get a reduced rate if their children are on the honor roll at school. Studies have shown that students who are responsible at school are also more responsible behind the wheel of a car.
- Pay annual premiums rather than monthly payments. It costs the companies more to bill their customers monthly. Shave a percentage off when you pay the fees annually.
- Raise your deductibles. This helps lower prices more than you might imagine.
Life policies:
- Carry life insurance policies with the same company who insures your vehicles and get a discount.
- Term increments, such as 10 year, 20 year or 30 year, will be much cheaper than whole life policies. After the kids are grown up and the mortgage is paid off, there will not be as much use for the coverage since many financial obligations have been taken care of.
Health ins.:
- Participate in group plans at work or with organizations that you may belong to. Rates will be cheaper when a group of individuals or families are covered.
- Quit smoking! Not only are there reduced insurance costs for being tobacco free, your well-being and appearance will benefit as well.
- Obtain a major medical policy for catastrophic incidents rather than one that will cover every visit. You'll still have to front for many portions of your health care needs up front, but at least you won't go bankrupt by a medical emergency.
For automobile coverage, there are multiple ways to save on protection for your vehicles.
- Multi-car discount: If your family has several vehicles, carrying the coverage through one insurance company will net you a nice discount.
- Good driving records: Keep your driving record sparkling clean and you will save cash on your annual or monthly payments.
- Work close to home: One risk factor that may spike your costs is commuting long distances to and from your job. While you may not be able to control where your office is located, you may be able to work out an arrangement with your boss to telecommute a few days per week. This will save on high mileage odometer readings which are taken into consideration when determining rates and you'll save gasoline and valuable time, as well.
- Have your kids keep their grades up. A family will be able to get a reduced rate if their children are on the honor roll at school. Studies have shown that students who are responsible at school are also more responsible behind the wheel of a car.
- Pay annual premiums rather than monthly payments. It costs the companies more to bill their customers monthly. Shave a percentage off when you pay the fees annually.
- Raise your deductibles. This helps lower prices more than you might imagine.
Life policies:
- Carry life insurance policies with the same company who insures your vehicles and get a discount.
- Term increments, such as 10 year, 20 year or 30 year, will be much cheaper than whole life policies. After the kids are grown up and the mortgage is paid off, there will not be as much use for the coverage since many financial obligations have been taken care of.
Health ins.:
- Participate in group plans at work or with organizations that you may belong to. Rates will be cheaper when a group of individuals or families are covered.
- Quit smoking! Not only are there reduced insurance costs for being tobacco free, your well-being and appearance will benefit as well.
- Obtain a major medical policy for catastrophic incidents rather than one that will cover every visit. You'll still have to front for many portions of your health care needs up front, but at least you won't go bankrupt by a medical emergency.
Insurance - Save Money
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